LY factory – Gucci blade tee

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Gucci blade t-shirt by LY factory

LY factory designer, in short, “LY factory” Gucci blade tee. It is claimed that LY factory produced this tee in his factory. In this review, we will break down the flaws of the Gucci blade tee and give a conclusion about the tee.

Flaw 1

First, look at the Gucci blade tee wash tag as the most reliable sign of authenticity when measuring 1:1.

Looking at the authentic while comparing the LY factory, the “GUCCI” text at the top of the wash tag is too stretched out; the font color on the LY factory is lighter than the authentic. Perhaps it may be due to the lighting, but we can’t know for sure because the difference in the color is too far apart.

The next obvious flaw on the wash tag would be the chunk of text where it stated, “MADE IN ITALY.” In different languages. The alignment, font size, and font color are different between the authentic and LY factory.

All the icons/symbols at the bottom are different between the two tees, not to mention that LY factory icons/symbols are repeated twice.

Flaw 2

The second flaw of the LY factory Gucci blade tee neck tag is that the “GUCCI” letters on the LY factory tee are too stretched out, and the letter “U” font is wrong compared to the authentic. The font size is slightly off, and the background color of the neck tag when comparing both images.

The “Made in Italy” text shows that the placement and font size is wrong on the LY factory tee. However, this is a minor flaw as not many hypebeast knows about it.

Flaw 3

As for the third and perhaps the last flaw of the LY factory Gucci blade tee, let’s look at the front exterior of the “GUCCI” letters.

The bottom side of the “GUCCI” letters is too wide on the LY factory tee, while on the authentic, they are curvier. Colors on the authentic are lighter by two to three levels than the LY factory tee. Maybe after a few washes, the LY factory tee color will fade and look similar to the authentic ones.


LY factory Gucci blade tee has a few major flaws in the wash tag and the “GUCCI” letters print. However, the tee is passable in the eyes of an ordinary person without getting a closer inspection or having the retail pair to compare it. Rep Preview Studio would be getting this tee to make a more in-depth video on YouTube. As always, peace out and stay vibey.

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