Aadi – Dior small Toile de Jouy Book tote blue

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Dior Toile de Jouy Book tote blue (small) by Factory DR96 [Aadi]

Factory DR96 Dior small Toile de Jouy Book tote blue embroidery from Aadi has been reviewed by many buyers from the subreddit RepLadies. It is considered one of the most purchased items too. In this review, we are going through the flaws of the bag. Pictures are taken from Reddit users ButterscotchOk5858 and dvr0707 for comparison.

Flaw 1

Let’s start with the label on both items, and there’s a difference when comparing both images. The label on the factory DR96 letters are too thin compared to the authentic label. Furthermore, the placement of the words is slightly lower on the factory DR96, and the font size is smaller than the authentic ones.

Flaw 2

Moving on to inspect the “CHRISTIAN DIOR PARIS” on the exterior side of the bag and there are subtle differences when comparing both items. The bottom of the letter “S” on factory DR96 looks fatter than the authentic, and the same goes for the letter “I”. As for the “PARIS” word, the word is thinner on the factory DR96 than the authentic, and the letter “A” looks wonky.

Flaw 3

Inspecting both tote bags from the side profile and the factory DR96 tote bag is bulkier because the fabric is way thicker, unlike the authentic is thinner and less bulky. The edges of the factory DR96’s tote bag seem more cumbersome than the authentic. Perhaps the material used on both tote bags is different, resulting in the different shapes.

Flaw 4

Let’s zoom out and look at the overall embroidery of the bag on both images. Overall the embroidery looks heavier on the factory DR96, especially on the top left and the bottom. However, the embroidery is lighter and more prominent on the authentic tote bag. Reddit users ButterscotchOk5858 mentioned that the factory DR9696 is slightly smaller than the authentic.


Factory DR9696 Dior small toile de Jouy Book tote blue embroidery from Aadi is a solid piece with few minor flaws except for flaw 3 and perhaps was due to the different material used to craft the tote bag. However, no one can tell the difference after you put your items in, and after all, it is a pretty tote bag. Many different re-sellers carry the item from the same factory at different pricing, and only their service differentiates them. As always, peace out and stay vibey.

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