Dior blue oblique embroidery tote bag by Vivi factory
Vivi factory is one of the famous factories in the rep community, given their high-quality product. I will review their Dior blue oblique embroidery tote bag by pointing out the flaws and sharing my thoughts. The link to the seller will be at the end of this review. Let’s get started with their flaws.
Flaw 1

I will compare the tote bag labels to discover Vivi’s flaws. I am not surprised that both labels differ on both tote bags as the factories wouldn’t put much effort into replicating the inner label. Vivi’s label font colour is different from the retail, and the font is too thin. The material used differs on both labels, and Vivi’s label doesn’t have the seam stitching compared to the retail label.
Flaw 2

As shown in the images above, Vivi’s CHRISTIAN DIOR and PARIS embroidery differ from the authentic ones; the PARIS words are thick by comparing the letter “A,” and the embroidery has more gaps compared to the authentic ones.
Flaw 3

Vivi’s tote bag overall is solid despite the sharp corners, and the DIOR embroidery is a few shades darker than the authentic ones.
Flaw 4

Lastly, let’s examine Vivi’s DIOR pattern embroidery; the font is squashed together. You can hardly see the DIOR embroidery, which I am slightly disappointed with. Furthermore, the letter “O” is out of shape and the “I” drop shadow is slanted.
Due to the DIOR embroidery, Vivi’s Dior blue oblique embroidery tote bag is below average. I do not like trashing factories as they have to work hard to replicate the product, but my reviews are not biased. I hope they can eliminate the flaws I have mentioned in their next batch. Overall, the tote bag is decent for someone who could care less about these flaws. As always, peace out and stay vibey.