Dior B22 Black Reflective by Chipotle
Chipotle is a decent sneaker seller offering mid to high-tier sneakers. Surprisingly, their Dior B22 black reflective trainers have received many positive reviews in the replica community. I decided to write a review of their trainers by pointing out the flaws and sharing my personal thoughts. The seller will be referenced at the end of this review. Do these trainers live up to the positive reviews?
Flaw 1

Point 1: As shown in the images above, the back heel shape differs on both trainers. Chipotle’s back heel shape is too curvy compared to the retail version.
Point 2: The black patch on Chipotle’s trainers is too thin compared to the retail version.
Point 3: Based on the reflectiveness, it seems like Chipotle’s material isn’t made from authentic calfskin leather.
Point 4: The black mesh holes are slightly larger on Chipotle’s trainers compared to the retail version, which has smaller holes.
Point 5: The perforation holes differ on both trainers in terms of size and position.
Flaw 2

Point 1: The cutout on Chipotle’s trainers’ back view is smaller than the retail version, which is noticeable if someone has owned a retail pair.
Point 2: If you look closely enough, the retail pair doesn’t have a seam and stitching below the cutout, but Chipotle’s trainers do.
Point 3: The outer sole thickness differs on both trainers, as shown in the images above.
Flaw 3

Point 1: The upper stitching differs on both trainers in terms of size, with the retail version being larger than Chipotle’s.
Point 2: Chipotle’s overall size is slightly expanded compared to the retail version.
Point 3: The reflectiveness differs in both 3M materials, as shown in the images above. Perhaps it’s a lighting and angle issue, who knows? Let’s give Chipotle the benefit of the doubt, but it’s worth pointing out too.
Chipotle’s Dior B22 black reflective trainers are decent but not the best I have seen on the market. The price does justify the flaws, and the material isn’t as bad as you might think. They can pass off as authentic with just a quick glance. I love the black color with the 3M reflective strip running across the trainer. As always, peace out and stay vibey.