About US

Rep Preview Studio’s mission is to educate buyers about replicas from different factories and sellers. We do not encourage the purchase of replicas


We will write our reviews about clothing such as t-shirts, shirts, jackets, hoodies, coats, and polos. Our reviews are based on our observation comparing the replicas to the retail.


Our expertise is reviewing sneakers and branded shoes from replica factories; we love sneakers as much as you do. We will review sneakers, sliders, sandals, boots, and socks and give the most detailed information on the flaws based on our experience.


Wallets, sunglasses, rings, scarves, ties, hats, necklaces, bracelets, belts, gloves, and watches are the types of accessories we will do our best to review.


Bags came in many types of forms, and we love to review all luxury types of bags, including women’s handbags and men’s backpacks. experience.